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Why Blog?

I have put off starting a blog for quite some time. I have started and stopped at least a dozen times. Why, you ask? Basically because even though I have the desire to share my perspective on the world, why would anyone care? I have come to the conclusion that if I can share my stories and impart any nuggets of wisdom that would help another person out or at the very least make them laugh, then I feel I have contributed something to the greater good.

Plus, the blog name 90% awesome was too perfect to go to waste. Thanks for reading and I look forward to *hopefully* entertaining at least one person (likely my mother), but hey one person is better than none.

About Me:
I'm a thirty-something (apparently I have crossed the threshold into not revealing my true age anymore--or at least that is what I have been told) working wife and mother to 2 of the best children on the planet (I am not biased at all--scout's honor) and just recently a full time PhD student.

I love knitting, food, learning, and laughing at myself (this is where the 90% awesome part comes in). I am an overachiever by nature but have found that in spite of my best efforts, I am successful only up until the 90% mark because, well, I gotta sleep.


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